What I see and what I think about it.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Answers on a postcard please!

Martha talks a lot about the tummy tot. (Remember she is 3.) She spends ages looking at drawing of babies in tummies and photos of me pregnant with her, and then with Tilly. And photos of her as a baby. Along with this have come a lot of questions. We have told her that when my tummy gets very big then the baby will be big enough to come out.
"When the baby grows then "pop" it comes out your tummy". "Yes, Martha something like that."... A bit later whilst pulling up my top to see my tummy... "Where's the hole the baby pops out? Can I see the hole?" .....
I was always told to just answer the question being asked, truthfully and age appropriately.
So I said what I suspect millions of mother have said before...

"Shall we get some chocolate Martha?"

Well it bought me more time if nothing else!


MichelleTwinMum said...

Am loving your blog, it has inspired me to do one too. Mich x

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I said something very similar when Morgan asked me the other day how babies got into ladies tummies.(he's 4!!!) Chocolate is a great distraction!

Joanna said...

ROTFL!!! That's a good one. I think I'll try it next time one of my four girls asks about that.