What I see and what I think about it.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008


I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. Too be honest not a lot has happened as I have been "proper poorly", as my brother would say. I have had a horrid, yukky cold that has filled my head with fuzz. I am slowly on the mend (2 weeks later!) but one thing that is still around is that my eyes get tired very quickly. This does not work well with blogging. But I am now a lot better and have lots to say.. so watch out one and all... I'm back!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! (That you're back, not that you've been ill!) Hope you feel back to normal soon, we have been missing your blogs! L X

Anonymous said...

I was getting worried (what no blog?), glad you're ok-ish, but, sorry you've had such a nasty cold. It's not easy when the children expect you to carry on regardless. So glad to hear from you, hope you'll be better for your birthday! lots of love XX

amy smith said...

i was worried too, after i had just found you, and all!