What I see and what I think about it.
Sunday, 18 May 2008
My Grandpa
I think what his death has made me think about is what we leave behind. Our inheritance. Here in the UK there are a lot of people ranting and raging about inheritance tax. I don’t really understand it at all. It just seems a bit unfair. But whilst the government can take money away from us when a loved one dies there are many things it cannot.
So what I have inherited from my Grandpa:
Love. The bible says that love never dies. This is not just true of the love we give. But of the love we receive. I know that my Grandpa loved me and my brother, and his son and daughter (my dad and aunt). He was a quite old fashioned and wasn’t a hugging and kissing type. But he loved us. And he showed it. By providing for us. By spending time with us, being interested. By telling us stories. I feel this love as I sit here and type. It is with me. And so part of him goes on.
Memories. No one can take these away either. Towards the end my Grandpa was very frail. But that is not how I think of him. I think of him in the canoe when we were little. I think of him refusing to join in games at Christmas, but getting lots of enjoyment out of the rest of us playing. I remember the look in his eyes when he found out my daughters were not only to have my husbands surname but my maiden name (as a middle name). They are his only great grandchildren and I could see the pleasure and pride that we had chosen to connect them with the past and with him. I remember him whenever I speak their full names.
Crafts. My Grandpa whittled wood. He made the most beautiful wooden carvings. I haven’t carved wood but the creativity has come down the line and I love crafts of all sorts. I wouldn’t be surprised if I carve the odd duck of my own as the years go by.
There are strange things we inherit. I, like my Grandpa, am allergic to penicillin. I inherited a huge love of my country. He was Canadian and proud of it, even though he has lived in England for a very long time. His connection to his country has rubbed off on me. I am always proud to say that I have a Canadian Grandpa. This has, for some reason I can’t explain, got something to do with why I love England. I have inherited this love of country. I love photography, which he did too. And particularly photographing flowers.
These things just pass down, father to daughter, mother to son, father to son, mother to daughter. You never know where they will turn up next.
As I see my daughters grow up I know I will see them change and develop. I will see Grandpa’s traits come out in them. They, sadly, will not know the man I was so proud to call Grandpa. But they do have his name, a little piece of the inheritance. And when they ask me “Why, oh why” they have such strange middle name. I will stop and say, with a smile: “Well, there was this man called Russ and he was my Grandpa…”
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Martha's view
Martha wearing her "I am 4" badges
Our friend (and Tilly's God daddy). Martha kept telling him what faces to pull and then take a picture. We have a series of these. Thought I would share these 2.
First being a lion
Then his sad face
Granny (my mummy)
Me in my favourite chair
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
The last 4 years
Martha is FOUR!
My prayer as the years roll by is that she stays her. That she is true to herself. I would hate her to lose her passion and enthusiasm for life. I pray that she follows where God takes her, because if she does her life will be the most amazing adventure. And I pray that I have the courage to let her go and be all that she can be. In the mean time I am glad I have my little girl who still loves me best (well, I am in the top 5!). I know these years are short and I intend to relish them.
For those that don't know Martha was born at about 3pm weighing 7lbs 8oz. It was a very hot sunny day. God had told me that I was having a girl. Sometimes I'm not sure if God has really said something but this I KNEW. When Nick (who was paying attention) said: It's a girl! I replied: Of course she is! And she was quite simply the most amazing thing that I have ever done. And the best bit is that with each baby the amazement doesn't go away, the love just keeps stretching and growing. And what love it is.
Thank you Martha for coming into our family when we least expected. You are a gift from God. I love you so much and hope you have a very happy birthday.
Friday, 9 May 2008
No pulling the wool over her eyes
Martha had a tiny cut on her finger and wanted a plaster. Nick said "we will wait till Mummy gets home and see what she thinks." (I think he was going for distraction not passing the buck!) The answer came loud and clear: "No daddy. Mummy say no. Daddy might say yes!"
PS- When I had tucked Martha in there was a lovely pink plaster on her finger. So I guess she knows us well. Just as we thought we were one step ahead!
Thursday, 8 May 2008
It isn't just nature that has woken up. So have my children. I have come to the conclusion they are solar powered. They are eating less, sleeping less (they would wake up with dawn if not for 3 sets of curtains!) but they have more energy than ever before. They literally run all day until they collapse into bed. It is a joy to see them so full of life. It is hard to keep up, especially with my expanding waist line. But I do love seeing them out there, enjoying the world that God has given us. They aren't complicated they just want to be part of it all. Whether that is watching a spider, picking flowers, playing on a slide, having picnics. The joy for them is just enjoying it for today. They don't worry about the rain that might fall tomorrow. It is sunny today, so let's go outside and play.
Saturday, 3 May 2008
How the years fly by

Me in the sink having a wash. Note the tan lines that you would never have on a small child now!
Me (3) posing in my favourite shorts. They were cut off all ragged to make me look shipwrecked!

Me (4) and my brother in the good old days when it used to snow.

Me (8/9) and my first ever new bike.
Me (10) with a very fashionable german haircut.
me (15) as a teenager. I stopped having photos taken around this time!

Me (19), on the right, all dressed up. I made the dress on the left.
Graduation (21)
Me (25) getting ready for my wedding.
Me and Nick, just married
Me (26) holding Martha (15 mins old)
Me (27) and Martha on a steam train
Me (27) a week before Tilly was born.
Me (29) with facepainting done by my girls!
Me (30) today. The badge says "Birthday girl".
Friday, 2 May 2008
Have a dance
Watch this, turn it up loud and have a really good dance about.
Don't you all feel better for that?!
Thursday, 1 May 2008
Life with a nudist
A prime example was today. We went to the Natural History Museum and were looking round at dinosaurs. It was very warm so I took her vest off and I had to restrain her from removing everything else! Totally mad.
I also just went in to tuck her up for the night and noticed that Tolly (her doll) had her clothes removed. So she is obviously sharing her "back to nature" message with anyone who will listen!
On the bright side I am doing a lot less washing. I just hope she grows out of it before "boys" come on the scene. If not we are in real trouble! :-)